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Newsletter March 2024

Derrick Brantley • March 27, 2024

Newsletter March 2024

Things have been absolutely slammed at Enbalance Bodywork.  We have been booking new clients nearly every day and have also been seeing familiar faces which we always welcome. It is always most appreciated to have the support of our community. I have been promoting maintenance programs for those who wait until their pain is unbearable before they come in. I have noticed that some clients stop by once a year instead of every few months. Why be in pain?

This time around I wanted to talk about nervous system disorders. Examples would be Post Polio Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and CIDP. All of which I have treated. These conditions all involve the nervous system being comprised in some manner affecting the body in certain ways. Many if not all of these issues cause pain. A neurologist is needed for a proper diagnosis, but before they find one they go the X Ray, MRI, and bloodwork route often to have normal results. It is very frustrating to be in a lot of pain only to be told that a doctor cannot find something wrong with them. Thats where a trained therapist at Enbalance comes in. Although we cannot diagnose or cure these conditions, the pain can be treated and managed. I often tell these clients that their pain can be a 2/10 if they come in once a month. 

We have had some great successes this month including:

Treated a new Post Polio client to help her enjoy life again pain free

Assisted a CIPD client so that she can sleep

Resolved a number of Plantar Fasciitis cases

Fixed a gentleman's torn bicep pain symptoms in a parking lot

Treated a new ankle replacement case to allow for accelerated healing

It is always a pleasure to serve our community. I always have a wonderful experience getting to know my clients and having the ability to help them experience a better life. 

Until next time, 


By Derrick Brantley April 24, 2024
Hello friends, Things here at Enbalance are going great as always. We are always trying to find new clients since they keep getting better. We are even getting people reaching out from other states inquiring about what we are doing to see if there is anyone near their area. I hope to expand this to at least Central Florida but who knows? I want to help as many people as possible. I have heard more than once that I saved someone from surgery. I have even saved a few lives. Some clients get pain that is so severe they are considering ending it all together. It gives me purpose to help those in need. And on a side not I have been experiencing issue with my phone service provider. I have not been able to send and receive text messages. Please don't think I have been ignoring you. I apologize for the inconvenience. This letter I wanted to talk about the superficial back line. This line known in anatomy runs from your eyebrows to the bottom of your feet. I often see issues here more often than other places. Anything from plantar fasciitis, Achillies tendonitis, low back pain. upper shoulder pain, and even headaches can stem from here. One of the biggest telltale signs here is if someone cannot touch their toes. This area gets so restricted that they will develop the conditions mentioned above sometimes all at once. I can always tell a football player when they come in when they cannot extend their knee. Treatment here is simple, many of the protocols that you are familiar with. I often do them regardless of complaint especially calf work to allow for healthy circulation to the lower limbs. The beauty of this is that it is so easy to treat. So many issues go away in as little as one treatment. I have had some great successes this month including: Saved a client from back surgery Resolved half a dozen cases of Plantar Fasciitis worked with a new ankle replacement to get her walking without a cane Had a similar client with reconstruction in her ankle be able to accelerate her healing time I always enjoy writing these to let the community know that we are still here and think about them See you all soon, Derrick
By Derrick Brantley February 29, 2024
Wow!! Enbalance has been absolutely slammed lately. We have reached a record number of clients for the past few weeks. We have been averaging over 40 clients a week which is fantastic. This is all because of your continued support. This month I wanted to educate clients on costal chondritis. It is a common condition which involves the sternal costal joints in the sternum or what is known as the breastbone. The cartlidge gets inflamed and can cause pain with breathing and coughing. It is often mistaken for heart attacks with people going to the hospital only to be sent home with anti-inflammatories. The good news is that this is easily treated by a trained therapist. Clients have reported a relief of symptoms before they even leave the office. There have been some great successes this month including: Helping a pregnant woman with her back pain and to shorten her labor time Assisting a 4 month post-partum woman getting back to the gym Helped a cherished veteran walk without back pain for the first time in years Allowed for a client with a healed broken foot walk and return to work Had my second ever post polio client get relief of symptoms just like the first client did Healed a client who was t boned in a car accident that was cut out of the car It is always a pleasure to serve the community. We hope to be your solution to pain in the years to come. Best, Derrick
By Derrick Brantley December 24, 2023
Happy Holidays! I cannot believe that the end of the year is upon us. We have booked almost one new client a day thanks to your continued support. All the time I get asked why isn't this therapy you are doing common knowledge? With your help, we can make this a household name. I hear stories of people that are in great pain from injuries or a diagnosis. I cannot imagine the amount of unnecessary suffering that goes on out there that can be alleviated with a trained therapist in our therapy. I want to get our community pain free. I always feel good when a client tells me that I have changed their life. This month I wanted to revisit a topic that I have mentioned before but have seen many cases this month alone. That is Radiculopathy. Otherwise known as nerve root compression, this is caused by Osteoarthritis. This causes burning shooting pain down one or both legs. Our vertebral discs have a gel like substance comprised of water and collagen. This acts as a cushion that creates a healthy space in-between each vertebrae bone. With injuries, posture, lifestyle, and age these discs can dehydrate and cause issues. Bone on bone issues can happen creating bone spurs. Nerves get compressed causing the symptoms. The therapy we offer here can treat pain as well as relieve soft tissue tension on the spine. The chiro care can put bones back into place as well as decompression therapy which opens up the vertebrae allowing for disc rehydration. I simulate this with the lumbar traction that most people love. I often tell clients that this is like putting air in your tires. Many clients resort to surgery as their only option. Unfortunately, surgery sometimes is the last option. But regular therapy here at Enbalance combined with Chiropractic care utilizing decompression therapy can prevent this. I have had some great successes this month including: Helped two manual labor workers with chronic low back pain so they could continue to work Assisted a regular client with overall body pain while she is getting bounced around the medical system to find a diagnosis Allowed for an elderly client to have relief in her neck when she has gone to multiple doctors with no results Assisted a young lady who was t boned in a car accident driver side. She had to be cut out of her car and is now pain free There is no better place than a coffee shop to write these thinking about the future of this enterprise. I hope to leave a legacy for future therapists to pick up where I have left off. The more people that we can help the better off the world can be. See you all next year, Derrick
By Derrick Brantley November 29, 2023
Happy Holidays, I hope that all of you are well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Things at Enbalance are always moving along. We meet new faces almost every day that need help with their pain needs. We always see new challenges that come through the door. We could not have been able to help so many people without our clients continued support. Lately I have been seeing many cases of nerve entrapment coming into the office. A nerve entrapment and a nerve compression issue are quite different from one another. Compression of a nerve is when bones compress on spinal nerves which happens in Osteoarthritis. Entrapment however is soft tissue pressing on a peripheral nerve instead of the nerve root. This means that a nerve is being pressed upon somewhere other than the spine. The most commonly known form of this is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which is commonly misdiagnosed by the medical system. Nerves can be entrapped anywhere in the body. There are two main symptoms when dealing with this: Sensory and Motor. Sensory dysfunction is the burning, aching, numbing, and radiating sensation that one feels. Motor dysfunction is the dysfunction of movement. An example would be drop foot from peroneal nerve entrapment. A trained therapist at Enbalance can help identify the symptoms and treat accordingly. We hope to have less clients get sent around the medical system and get their problem treated right away. We have had some great successes this month including: Helped an amputee with phantom pain(pain from severed nerve endings sending sensations often to the place where the limb is missing) Had a plantar fasciitis client resolve to go back to life and living Allowed for my 90 year old client celebrate his birthday with a better quality of life I always enjoy writing these over a cup of coffee. I am so fortunate to have such a rewarding career. See you all next month, Derrick
By Derrick Brantley October 30, 2023
Greetings Friends, . Enbalance Bodywork is always doing well this time of year. We get new clients, snowbirds, repeat visitors, you name it. It is always a pleasure to meet new people and to have new challenges. I am constantly challenged to better my skill set as a therapist to help as many people as possible. I cannot cure everything, but I will do everything I can to alleviate pain. This month I wanted to talk about compartment syndrome. This can be an acute or chronic condition that affects many people but affects long distance runners the most. Basically, this condition is soft tissue compression of the calf area. If blood flow gets restricted in an acute case, this is a medical emergency. Patients will wake up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain in one or both legs if they are that unfortunate. Blood flow is restricted to the point where they can lose the leg altogether. This requires a procedure known as a fasciotomy where incisions are made through the connective tissue to alleviate pressure and restore blood flow. In nearly a decade of doing bodywork I have only seen this once (post-surgery). Most people have the chronic version of this which is tightness in the calf and pain with stretching. A constant ache is the most common symptom. Fortunately, this is extremely easy for a therapist at Enbalance to treat. A few sessions clears it up and rarely does it return. This also can contribute to the dreaded plantar fasciitis diagnosis since it can pull along the same back line that connects the calf to the foot. I hope this does not worry you, many of these painful conditions you read about can be alleviated at Enbalance. Hospital visits are rarely necessary. On a lighter note, I have had some great successes this month including. Helped a client with an aneurysm get relief from headaches Cured 2 cases of Plantar Fasciitis Assisted an athlete training for a marathon Helped a client with systemic Osteoarthritis get relief Assisted a manual labor worker with nerve compression in his back be able to get up by himself Resolved a case of frozen shoulder This month has been challenging for sure with the cases I have been seeing. I am so glad that the word is getting out. The more people I can help the better our community can be. Be well and see you all next month, Derrick
By Derrick Brantley September 26, 2023
Hello Friends, It is finally starting to cool down and every year things at Enbalance Bodywork get really busy. Busy season is upon us and spaces fill up fast. We averaged one new client a day last month thanks to your continued support. One new client a day is great. Interestingly enough, I have noticed that people get better and as a result there are more spots on the schedule to be filled by those in need. I know there are so many people out there who need help with their issues concerning chronic pain. Every day I hear stories about surgery being their last option. Or I hear about clients taking pain medications that can have very negative long term side effects. We hope to help as many people as possible. This month I wanted to talk about Osteoarthritis. It is wear and tear of joints over a long period of time. The most commonly affected areas are the hands, hips, and knees. There is also another type of OA known as Degenerative Disc Disease which deals with the spine. I think that will make a great topic. For next month. It deals with the cartilage that acts a buffer for a joint capsule. Over time that cartilage can wear down causing the bones to rub against each other. I often tell clients who bring in their MRI reports that this is similar to a brake pad on the car. It has wear and tear, but there is no need for immediate concern. There are situations where a client needs a joint replacement, if there are completely bone on bone and the pain is debilitating despite therapies. But most clients have joints that are within manageable levels. MRI reports are also nothing to worry too much about. If you take a photo and smile but deep down you are miserable, that is a reflection of how you look not how you are feeling. Just because a joint is degenerative does not mean that it causes you pain or that it needs to be operated on. I have had some wonderful successes this month including: Cured not one but two cases of plantar fasciitis. Helped a construction worker with chronic low back pain be able to put his shoes on unassisted Assisted a client with multiple car accidents get neck relief Been working with a regular pre teenage client through his growing pains Been keeping a Fibromyalgia client at low pain levels I always enjoy writing these letters and hope that you are all pain free and ready for fall weather. See you all next month, Derrick
By Derrick Brantley August 27, 2023
Greetings friends! I hope you all are enjoying the hot weather we have been having. Things at Enbalance are going well one day at a time. No matter what the temperature is our community needs to be pain free. We will always be here to help. New challenges have been walking through the door every day. It keeps things interesting since we never know what to expect when a new client tells us what their issues are. Our success rate is high. Although we cannot help everyone, we can help most of the cases that we see. This newsletter I wanted to touch on facet joint pain. The facet joint is a joint in the spine that almost acts like a door hinge. This area can become restricted thus locking down the neck. I often tell clients that it is almost like a rusted door hinge that needs WD-40. The neck is the area where this is affected the most since we move our heads daily. The spine is designed to have mobility and stability. The more mobile an area is it has to sacrifice stability to obtain it. The opposite is true for the lower back. We cannot move our lower back the way we can move our necks, but it is far more stable. It of course is susceptible to injury, but not as easily as the neck is. Treatment for this is very simple. My teachers in all their wisdom created a protocol that I use with every neck case. It involved forcing the joint to move with a low velocity or slower movement. Many clients ask if it is odd to say that it hurts but feels good at the same time? I hear this every day. This is often the main culprit when someone cannot turn their head. It is honestly such an easy treatment I wish more people knew about this. Which brings to my next topic. I wish to create change in the healthcare industry. Not only do I want to help as many clients as I can, but I wish to help therapists as well. I would like to provide career opportunities to those that have the same ideals as I do when it comes to client care. One of the biggest challenges that I experience is the lack of education that people have with this kind of therapy. I often tell clients that I am a hybrid between a physical therapist and a massage therapist. I however practice neither. I do more manual therapy than massage. Massage is lotion, sheets, music which I love to get. But anyone reading this knows that I do something different. It is a career goal of mine to be able to service the entire Central Florida area. I would greatly appreciate a google review or even a share on your Facebook page if you feel I helped you or a loved one get out of pain. I hope together we can change the world, starting with our local community here. I always enjoy sitting in a coffee shop writing these to my valued clients. I appreciate each and every one of you. If you need anything feel free to text at (407) 801-8502. I will always have a spot open for you. Take care, Derrick
By Derrick Brantley July 27, 2023
Happy Summer! I hope you all are having a great summer. This time of year is great to go up north and get out of the heat for a while. While you were away, Enbalance has been growing even during a slower month. All of this is thanks to your continued support and referrals. We hope to grow to service the entirety of central Florida within the years to come. It is always great to meet new faces every week who want to help themselves and their loved ones get out of pain. This newsletter I wanted to talk about overuse injuries in the arm particularly what is known as Tommy John. I have quite a number of middle and high school baseball players that see me for treatment and/or prevention of this condition. The UCL or ulnar collateral ligament with overhead motions such as pitching and throwing can become overstretched. The rupture of this ligament leads to surgery known as the Tommy John. For those who regularly watch ESPN this is mentioned quite a bit. Fortunately, this is easily preventable with regular therapy with an Enbalance Therapist as well as strength and conditioning. It is very crucial to limit the number of pitches a teenager throws during a game since their growth plates are still open. Where the tendons and ligaments connect to the bone is more cartlidge in adolescents. This makes it more susceptible to injury. Surgical repair requires a graft from a tendon elsewhere in the body to create a new ligament. Often times this can lead to a potential end to either a college or professional sports careers before it even begins. I have had some great successes this month including: Helped a client walk without a cane Assisted a client with an emergency session who fell and could not walk Allowed for a musician to better play his instrument after years of overuse injuries Helped a chef with chronic foot pain after years of standing in a kitchen Treated a woman who takes powerful pain pills daily to wean off her medication It is always a privilege to see where this company will take me in the future. I look forward to every passing month to see what lays ahead for the future. We hope to get the world out of pain on client at a time. We are glad you are on for the journey. Take care, Derrick
By Derrick Brantley June 23, 2023
This month has been a wonder at Enbalance. We are seeing new faces every week and have even had clients come from the other side of the state to get therapy. It is humbling that someone is willing to travel so far, and we always love hearing their story. We hope to build a community place so that anyone from anywhere can get out of pain. This month I wanted to touch on shin splints. A very common and misdiagnosed condition. Treatment for this is quite uncomfortable since it is such a repetitive use area. Wear and tear are very common when it comes to someone being very active on their feet. There are anterior and posterior shin splints on the front and posterior aspect of the Tibia or leg bone. Periostitis is the main culprit here being inflammation of the outer layer of bone. It feels like there is a sharp pain all throughout the leg. It can radiate down the front or posterior section which feels like it is deep behind the bone. I have suffered from this myself from running regularly. I often describe it as a metal bar in my leg since the entire length of my leg erupts in pain. I always get weird glances from onlookers when they see me try to treat it on myself. Occasionally if there is a stress fracture this can be mistaken for shin splints. High performance athletes will break their leg outright by overtraining. This however is not as common. Basketball, soccer, and running athletes commonly suffer from this. A trained therapist at Enbalance can alleviate this in as little as a few sessions. There have been some great successes this month including: Treated a client with chronic TMJD so that she could sleep on her side for the first time in years Got a Fibromyalgia sufferer to minimal pain levels Treated a case of Frozen Shoulder that flew from Miami to get therapy Helped a chronic low back pain client walk without a cane for this first time in months Assisted a client with reconstructive surgery after a ski accident It is always a pleasure to serve the community. I look forward to building a place that can make where we live pain free. Best, Derrick
By Derrick Brantley May 19, 2023
Greetings! I am currently on a plane to Canada while writing this newsletter. I cannot think of a better time to get my thoughts down. I will be taking one of this first master classes offered by my mentors. This will ensure better client outcomes for all the valued clients and friends that are reading this. I have been fortunate to find a purpose, a career rather than just a job. You all make that a possibility for me. I am eternally grateful. This edition I wanted to talk about breathing and its importance. More specifically I wanted to touch on diaphragmatic breathing. Breathing through the diaphragm rather than the upper part of the chest known as apical breathing is very beneficial. It can strengthen the diaphragm, allow for better blood flow to the lower limbs through major blood vessels passing through it. It also enables more oxygen to enter the body. Alleviation of back pain can occur since it connects to tissues that pull on the pelvis. It can even help with anxiety since slow deep breathing slows down the heart rate and calms down the mind. My instructors once told me that if I could only do one protocol on a client regardless of their complaint it would be the diaphragm. To breathe this way one only has to breathe deep down into their belly. Filling the belly with air rather than the chest makes all the difference. I have had some great successes this month including: Helped a client with multiple car accidents get relief from headaches and whiplash Assisted a client with multiple orthopedic surgeries. She was able to leave the office without using her back brace and cane Allowed for a former cheerleader who had multiple car accidents and cheer injuries to no longer have headaches Helped a client post knee surgery walk again pain free Had a teenager with reconstructive ankle surgery walk without pain It is always a pleasure to keep in touch with you all. I hope to hear that you all are well and pain free. See you soon, Derrick
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